Approach to Self-Build

We’ve all watched TV programmes where people renovate, self build or manage a large building project. To the uninitiated we all think it’s an easy thing to do. The reality; people spend years working in an industry building up knowledge and experience. Does this mean you should or shouldn’t manage your own build?

Whatever your decision there are some important things to consider:

• Time

• Budget

• Commitment

• Experience

These factors will influence how you approach your project. Using a qualified and experienced project manager will cost money. But may well save you from cost and time overruns and of course avoid expensive mistakes. Manage it yourself and will obviously save the expense of outside help. But you need to have the time to commit. If you only have evenings and weekends, then trouble could appear pretty quickly. Do you have someone to go to when problems arise. That all important support. This could be your architect, a friend with knowledge or a professional you can call upon.

Time & Commitment

If you have time to learn and make mistakes then managing yourself could make sense. You will save a ton of money on professional fees. You may even consider undertaking some of the work yourself. There are certain items where you must employ a professional. Electrics for sure, ensuring your build meets building regulations. But other items such as decorations, or maybe you’re a dab hand at carpentry. Whatever you decide, you must make sure you set a realistic timeline. Report and monitor against it. Especially important where you have outside finance or mortgage.

Budget & Experience

How safe is your budget? You’ve accounted for the purchase costs, build costs, utilities, professional fees. That’s it you’re set. All builds have budget constraints. However there could be any number of reasons for that budget to come under pressure. If you’re renovating, then unforeseen problems may arise. Maybe rotten floor joists which are newly discovered. If it’s a new build maybe someone’s measured the windows incorrectly. Maybe as the client you have changed your mind and wish to alter an element of the build. Whatever it is, you will need to be prepared to overcome it, set a contingency and know when it simply is not needed.


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