Time Management


Time Management

How is it some people have time for everything? At work, at play, in life!

Are you rushing around trying to finish everything? Squeeze in writing that report before the meeting in the morning? Rushing to find the gym kit before the spin class in an hour! Forgetting to buy the all important birthday card?

Whatever it is, you can get control of your time and your life. This course will help you figure out what is important, what can wait, what does not need doing. When you should be relaxing and enjoying life.

We cover how to run your diary. The use of ever growing technology. You will come away from this course understanding how to use your time effectively.

Subjects covered:

• Clarifying your objectives in life, at home and at work How to squeeze in too much work into too little time in the day

• Prioritising – understanding the difference between important and urgent

• Eight practical ways to beat procrastination

• The four D’s

• More effective meetings

• Delegation and why it is important

• The positive use of ‘No’

• How and why you need to deal with interruptions

• Dealing with pings, rings, badges and endless notifications

• Organisation systems: lists, workflow, diaries, filing,

• Stress – the symptoms, the link with time management, and what you can do to reduce it

Benefit from ready made templates including

• Time Management Essentials

• Personal Organisation Systems

• Task Shakers

• The Priority Matrix

• Master Planners

• Meeting Agendas