Toast - How do you like yours?
For me this is a subject close to my heart………..
As a kid of the 70’s and early 80’s toast featured at every breakfast of every day. Every family member had their opinion on it and how it should be served. Straight on the plate, allowed to cool, in a toast rack, dripping with butter, butter and marmalade, butter and sugar (controversial), soldiers with a boiled egg (who made eggs a breakfast food?) lightly toasted, burnt to a crisp. What is your way to serve?
Back in the 70’s it was Mother’s Pride. Now we can opt for sourdough, granary, artisan white and anything in between. Bagels, pitta, pop-tarts (I can’t believe I’ve even typed that last item).
So why am I thinking about toast. Well really it comes down to the toaster. Here is the rub…..How much do you spend? What is worth paying for? Let’s get real here. The cost of living is rising. How much should you spend on a toaster? £20, £50, £100? Why would you spend more than a ton on a toaster.
Well I’ll tell you why. You can buy one for £20. It will burn the bottom half of you bread, whilst the top half is as blond as my hairdresser. One day it will work and pop, the next day it will get stuck and set off the smoke alarm. Maybe you will spend time re-toasting or have to start again, wasting more precious time in the morning. Or you can pay more for an engineered beauty. Why?
Come on……you use it every day! It toasts perfectly. You will be happy your day started well. The toast is perfect. It will last you many years.
So why am I thinking about toast? That question again. Because when you use something every day, which brings you enjoyment, sets you up for your day, it feels incredible. Spend on the things which bring you joy. Save on the things that don’t. you can decide what they are. For me I spend on my toaster, but my golf clubs are bargain basement (says a lot about my game). It’s about priorities. Should you spend money on a great night out (great in the moment and for your happiness), your home extension (essential for your family and wellbeing) or invest in yourself for the future (essential for everything). Maybe a combination of all with budgets set against each.
So think about what is priority in your life. How will you spend your money? More importantly your time? How do you enable your purpose? What will enhance your happiness and well-being? Maybe ditch the toast and find out what makes you ‘Snap, Crackle and Pop’